Term Sheet Template v1
Report Term Sheet Template v1
This template generates a term sheet with two columns on the first page with your logo, header, footer, style and content.
Information to call the Term Sheet Template v1
API End Point:
Use your API Security Token (which is generated in your dashboard) in the Adv-Security-Token header parameter
Refer to our authentication guide for more information.
Uses Luatex:
Uses Charts:
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JSON to PDF Term Sheet Template

A JSON to PDF template that produces a Term Sheet is a tool that takes in a JSON data file containing information about a financing or investment deal and generates a Term Sheet document in PDF format. The template is designed to automate the creation of Term Sheets, which are often used in the venture capital and private equity industries to outline the terms and conditions of a financing or investment deal.

Use Cases for Term Sheets

  1. Venture capital and private equity firms can use the JSON to PDF template to generate Term Sheets for their portfolio companies. This helps streamline the investment process and make it more efficient since the template can be customized and automated to generate Term Sheets quickly and accurately.
  2. Startups and other companies seeking financing can also use the JSON to PDF template to create their own Term Sheets. This can help them to present their financing terms and conditions clearly and professionally, which can be helpful in attracting potential investors.
  3. Lawyers and legal professionals can use the JSON to PDF template to create custom Term Sheets for their clients. This can save time and effort compared to creating Term Sheets from scratch and can ensure that the final document is accurate and up-to-date.
  4. Investment banks and other financial institutions can use the JSON to PDF template to create standardized Term Sheets for their deals. This can help to ensure consistency and accuracy across multiple transactions and can save time and effort in the document creation process.

Key Takeaways

Overall, a JSON to PDF template that produces a Term Sheet can be a valuable tool for anyone involved in the financing or investment process and can help to streamline the creation of important legal documents.

{ "documentSettings": { "font": "droid sans", "fontSize": 8, "primaryHEXColour": "0dbb72", "secondaryHEXColour": "0dbb72", "textHEXColour": "444444", "documentName": "Term Sheet from ADVICEment", "logo": "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"logoType": "png", "logoWidth": "4.5cm", "topMargin": "-0.1cm", "rightMargin": "9cm", "bottomMargin": "-0.1cm", "leftMargin": "1cm", "headheight": "3.13cm", "headsep": "0.5cm", "footskip": "1.5cm", "marginparwidth":"7cm", "marginparsep":"1cm", "includehead": true, "includefoot": true, "showframe": false, "header": { "headerLine": false, "leftContent": "\\begin{tikzpicture} \\node (rectange) [rectangle, draw = Primary, anchor=south west, inner sep=0,outer sep =0, fill = Primary, minimum width = 21cm, minimum height = 3.0cm] at ([xshift=0.0cm, yshift=0cm]current page.north west) {}; \\node[right] at ([xshift=0.90cm, yshift=-0.9cm]rectange.north west) {\\bfseries\\color{white}\\huge{ADVICEment Term Sheet}}; \\node[right] at ([xshift=0.90cm, yshift=-1.675cm]rectange.north west) {\\color{white}\\LARGE March 2023}; \\node (subtitle) [minimum width=11cm, anchor=north west, text width=11cm, inner sep=0.0cm, outer sep=0] at ([xshift=1.00cm, yshift=-2.25cm]rectange.north west) {\\color{white}\\normalsize\\bfseries{Best Dynamic PDF Generation} }; \\node (logo) [left] at ([xshift=-0.99cm, yshift=-1.5cm]rectange.north east) {\\advGetImage{key = documentSettings.logo, typeKey=documentSettings.logoType, widthKey = documentSettings.logoWidth}}; \\end{tikzpicture}", "centerContent": "", "rightContent": "", "adjustMargin": "1cm" }, "footer": { "footerLine": false, "leftContent": "\\begin{tikzpicture} \\node (rectange) [rectangle, draw = Primary, anchor=south west, inner sep=0,outer sep =0, fill = Primary, minimum width = 21cm, minimum height = 1.0cm] at ([xshift=0.0cm, yshift=0cm]current page.south west) {}; \\node[right] at ([xshift=0.90cm, yshift=0.5cm]rectange.south west) {\\bfseries\\color{white}\\tiny{Legal notice goes here and other fun things}}; \\end{tikzpicture}", "centerContent": "", "rightContent": "", "adjustMargin": "1cm" } }, "documentContent": { "secondColumnData": { "width": "7cm", "heading": "Quick Facts", "tableLineSpacing": 1.75, "columnType": [ "L{2.5cm}", "R{3.35cm}" ], "content": [ { "Column1": "\\textbf{Company}", "Column2": "XX Technologies Private Limited" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Sponsor}", "Column2": "YYY" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Key Persons}", "Column2": "John Smith \\newline Jan Van Der Merwe" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Existing Shareholders}", "Column2": "ZZZ" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Investor}", "Column2": "Mr Smith" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Type of Security}", "Column2": "Ordinary Bonds" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Pre-money Valuation}", "Column2": "$ 1 000 000" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Amount of Financing}", "Column2": "$ 500 000" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Investment conditions}", "Column2": "Condition 1 \\newline Condition 2 \\newline Condition 3" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Capitalization}", "Column2": "The pre-financing and post-financing capital structure will be as set forth in the table." }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Closing Date}", "Column2": "1st December 2023" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Board of Directors}", "Column2": "Paul Smith \\newline Greg Smith" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Dividends}", "Column2": "The holders of the Preference shares, shall be entitled to receive non-cumulative dividends in preference to holders of Equity Shares at the rate of 1%." }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Exit Rights}", "Column2": "The Company shall make best efforts to provide the Investor an exit within 60 months." }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Due Diligence}", "Column2": "Yes" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Amount of Financing}", "Column2": "$ 750 000" }, { "Column1": "\\textbf{Capitalization}", "Column2": "Yes" } ] }, "body": [ { "type": "section", "content": "Introduction", "order": 1 }, { "type": "paragraph", "content": "Duis eu luctus ex. Nulla orci risus, fringilla in sodales at, luctus sit amet diam. Sed efficitur arcu ac mauris molestie suscipit. Nullam dapibus pulvinar erat sed euismod. Mauris orci tortor, aliquam sed ligula ac, sagittis fermentum erat. Etiam elementum facilisis imperdiet. Mauris vitae eros sodales, tincidunt augue non, vulputate lectus. Aenean porta felis vitae sapien vestibulum, non mollis elit tristique. Donec maximus vitae tortor ac sodales. Cras nec convallis ex. Sed nec ex tincidunt odio auctor pulvinar. Aenean ut dolor a quam lacinia gravida sit amet a lectus. Nam dapibus ante vel vehicula egestas. Nunc condimentum dictum libero sed ullamcorper.", "order": 3 }, { "type": "paragraph", "content": "\\bigskip \\textbf{Something important in bold} \\par \\bigskip", "order": 4 }, { "type": "paragraph", "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vitae nisi nisl. Ut diam arcu, luctus ac neque sed, tempor dignissim nibh. Donec sodales lorem ut purus volutpat accumsan. Praesent at pretium nibh. Cras feugiat felis et tempus viverra. \\bigskip", "order": 5 }, { "type": "table", "content": "summaryTable", "order": 6 }, { "type": "section", "content": "Investment Review", "order": 6.5 }, { "type": "paragraph", "content": "Aliquam eget erat egestas, varius metus ut, tempor orci. Proin cursus ullamcorper est, ut maximus magna. Quisque maximus, turpis non vulputate ornare, neque ipsum dapibus urna, ut ornare ipsum tellus vel massa. Nunc erat magna, finibus ac erat non, rhoncus efficitur nibh. ", "order": 4 }, { "type": "enumerate", "content": "\\item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit \\item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit", "order": 7 }, { "type": "paragraph", "content": "Morbi et posuere odio. Mauris vehicula efficitur arcu, in rhoncus tellus bibendum quis. Aenean sit amet pellentesque ipsum. Duis egestas fringilla dui, id blandit odio tincidunt sit amet.", "order": 8 }, { "type": "itemize", "content": "\\item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit \\item Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit", "order": 9.5 }, { "type": "paragraph", "content": "Mauris vehicula efficitur arcu, in rhoncus tellus bibendum quis. Aenean sit amet pellentesque ipsum. Duis egestas fringilla dui, id blandit odio tincidunt sit amet.", "order": 10 }, { "type": "section", "content": "Outlook", "order": 11 }, { "type": "paragraph", "content": "Sed dapibus pharetra nisi, non sagittis neque lobortis a. Fusce nec ultrices massa, nec eleifend lacus. Praesent cursus, nibh quis pretium auctor, lorem arcu faucibus nunc, quis tincidunt tellus libero eget lacus. Cras aliquet, nulla et tempor congue, nisl ipsum venenatis mauris, in fringilla felis felis at ex. Proin aliquam mi id congue condimentum. In dui felis, lacinia ut vulputate nec, venenatis blandit augue. Nulla eget fringilla mauris. Praesent in nulla sollicitudin, congue orci sed, blandit purus. Nullam metus magna, convallis quis mollis quis, feugiat eget sapien. \\bigskip", "order": 12 }, { "type": "paragraph", "content": "\\newgeometry{top=-0.1cm,right=1cm,bottom=-0.1cm,left=1cm, headheight=3.13cm, headsep=0.5cm, footskip=1.5cm, includehead, includefoot,heightrounded} \\onehalfspacing Vivamus quis egestas ipsum. Duis cursus ipsum sem, eget placerat nisl laoreet non. Sed ligula lacus, ultrices at auctor in, accumsan ut diam. Nunc diam nisi, venenatis in laoreet eu, faucibus et nisl. Curabitur rutrum pulvinar blandit. Aenean et scelerisque sapien. Ut facilisis arcu in turpis vulputate, vitae ultrices enim suscipit. Morbi fermentum ligula ante, vitae bibendum nisi tempus cursus. Pellentesque imperdiet dolor tincidunt ipsum ultricies, ut vestibulum tellus sagittis. Nunc vehicula ornare ex, vel eleifend purus imperdiet sit amet. Morbi rutrum eros felis, vel dapibus metus placerat ut. Integer tincidunt libero nisi, et dignissim justo placerat ac. Cras gravida faucibus justo ac facilisis. Nam convallis libero malesuada consequat aliquam. \\bigskip", "order": 13 }, { "type": "paragraph", "content": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean nec tellus sagittis, viverra felis at, sagittis urna. Nam tristique sed elit id condimentum. Maecenas non tincidunt elit. Sed pulvinar varius orci in hendrerit. Sed a euismod lacus. Quisque ornare ante nisi, id pellentesque mi interdum dictum. Morbi at euismod lacus. Vestibulum pulvinar convallis tincidunt. Maecenas rhoncus magna nec eros ultrices lobortis. Sed lacinia nunc justo, quis faucibus orci condimentum ac. Vivamus pharetra metus eget turpis ultricies egestas aliquet nec nisi. Donec sit amet pellentesque diam. Nunc a felis vitae metus mattis molestie. Etiam dictum elit metus, tristique tincidunt nunc consectetur eu. Curabitur sit amet turpis sed eros pharetra mattis ut ut sem. \\bigskip", "order": 14 } ], "summaryTable": { "columnNames": [ "Description", "Values" ], "columnType": [ "L{0.45\\linewidth}", "R{0.25\\linewidth}" ], "content": [ { "Column1": "Description1", "Column2": "Value1" }, { "Column1": "Description2", "Column2": "Value2" } ] } } }

documentSettings - A JSON object which contains the settings of the template (primaryHEXColour, secondaryHEXColour, textHEXColour, font, documentName, logo, logoType, logoWidth, margins, headSep, footSkip, showframe, header, footer).

font - An optional string which contains the font of the document. Possible options are: 'helvetica', 'avant garde', 'sans serif', 'charter', 'open sans', 'bera', 'venturis', 'raleway', 'overlock', 'roboto', 'spectral', 'clear sans', 'noto sans', 'noto mono', 'josefin', 'bera sans', 'latin modern', 'theano modern', 'droid sans', 'fira sans', 'XCharter', 'bookman', 'gyre bonum', 'gyre schola', 'gyre termes'.

fontSize - An optional integer which contains the font size of the document. Possible options are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14.

primaryHEXColour - An optional string which contains the primary font colour of the document.

secondaryHEXColour - An optional string which contains the secondary font colour of the document.

textHEXColour - An optional string which contains the text font colour of the document.

documentName - An optional string for the name of the document.

logo - An optional string which contains base64 encoded jpg or png image of your logo.

logoType - An optional string which contains the type of logo image. Possible options are: 'jpg' or 'png'.

logoWidth - An optional string which contains the width of the logo (in cm).

topMargin - An optional string containing the top margin size (in cm).

rightMargin - An optional string containing the right margin size (in cm).

bottomMargin - An optional string containing the bottom margin size (in cm).

leftMargin - An optional string containing the left margin size (in cm).

headheight - An optional string relating to the height of the header (in cm). See LaTeX geometry package documentation for more information on this parameter.

headSep - An optional string relating to the space between the header and the beginning of the document (in cm). See LaTeX geometry package documentation for more information on this parameter.

footSkip - An optional string relating to the space between the end of the document and the footer (in cm). See LaTeX geometry package documentation for more information on this parameter.

marginparwidth - An optional string relating to the space for the right column on the first page (in cm). See LaTeX geometry package documentation for more information on this parameter.

marginparsep - An optional string relating to the space between the left and right columns on the first page (in cm). See LaTeX geometry package documentation for more information on this parameter.

includehead - A boolean expression which determines whether the header is part of the top margin (false) or below it (true).

includehead - A boolean expression which determines whether the footer is part of the bottom margin (false) or below it (true).

showFrame - A boolean expression (true/false) to show the frame of the document.

header - An object containing settings to control the header.

headerLine - A boolean expression that generates a horizontal line between the header and the beginning of the document.

leftContent - The content that appears on the left-hand side of the header. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.

centreContent - The content that appears in the centre of the header. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.

rightContent - The content that appears of the right-hand side of the header. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.

adjustMargin - An optional string containing whether the header margin needs to be adjusted sideways (in cm).

footer - An object containing settings to control the footer.

footerLine - A boolean expression that generates a horizontal line between the footer and the end of the document.

leftContent - The content that appears on the left-hand side of the footer. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.

centreContent - The content that appears in the centre of the footer. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.

rightContent - The content that appears of the right-hand side of the footer. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.

adjustMargin - An optional string containing whether the header margin needs to be adjusted sideways (in cm).

documentContent - A JSON object which contains the content of the template (firstColumnDetails, secondColumnDetails, totalPayable, invoiceDetails, text).

secondColumnData - A required object which contains the data for the right column on the first page.

width - A string which controls the width of the box on the first page (in cm).

heading - A numerical value which controls the spacing between rows in the table in the box on the first page.

tableLineSpacing - A string which contains the heading in the box on the first page.

columnType - An array of strings which contains the alignment and size of the columns of the table in the box on the first page.

content - An array of JSON objects which contains the content of the table in the box on the first page.

body - An optional array of JSON objects which contains the body for the document.

type - A required string which contains the type of text for the body of the document. Possible options are: 'heading', 'section', 'subsection', 'paragraph', 'newpage', 'enumerate', 'itemize', 'table'.

content - A required string or array of strings which contains the text for the body of the document. Can contain LaTeX commands. Note that in an event of a table, this contains the key-name for the table.

order - A required number which determines the order of the text.