The Poster Template is a cutting-edge and customizable framework engineered to facilitate your marketing and promotional efforts. Powered by the DynamicDocs API, this advanced template effortlessly converts your promotional information, structured in JSON format, into a striking, print-ready PDF poster.
The template enables you to personalize various aspects of the poster's design, from headline text and graphics to key details like date, venue, and promotional offers. With JSON data integration, you can manage intricate design elements and information, ensuring an eye-catching and effective final product.
Leveraging the capabilities of the DynamicDocs API, the Poster Template produces professionally designed, printable PDF posters that uphold your organization's branding standards and aesthetic guidelines.
In summary, the Poster Template is an essential resource for organizations aiming to elevate their promotional and marketing activities. It simplifies the process of crafting visually compelling, compliant PDF posters through quick and automated data integration via JSON, all backed by the trusted DynamicDocs API.
documentSettings - A JSON object which contains the settings of the template (primaryHEXColour, secondaryHEXColour, textHEXColour, font, documentName, logo, logoType, logoWidth, margins, headSep, footSkip, showframe, header, footer).
font - An optional string which contains the font of the document. Possible options are: 'helvetica', 'avant garde', 'sans serif', 'charter', 'open sans', 'bera', 'venturis', 'raleway', 'overlock', 'roboto', 'spectral', 'clear sans', 'noto sans', 'noto mono', 'josefin', 'bera sans', 'latin modern', 'theano modern', 'droid sans', 'fira sans', 'XCharter', 'bookman', 'gyre bonum', 'gyre schola', 'gyre termes'.
fontSize - An optional integer which contains the font size of the document. Possible options are: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14.
primaryHEXColour - An optional string which contains the primary font colour of the document.
secondaryHEXColour - An optional string which contains the secondary font colour of the document.
textHEXColour - An optional string which contains the text font colour of the document.
documentName - An optional string for the name of the document.
topMargin - An optional string containing the top margin size (in cm).
rightMargin - An optional string containing the right margin size (in cm).
bottomMargin - An optional string containing the bottom margin size (in cm).
leftMargin - An optional string containing the left margin size (in cm).
headheight - An optional string relating to the height of the header (in cm). See LaTeX geometry package documentation for more information on this parameter.
headSep - An optional string relating to the space between the header and the beginning of the document (in cm). See LaTeX geometry package documentation for more information on this parameter.
footSkip - An optional string relating to the space between the end of the document and the footer (in cm). See LaTeX geometry package documentation for more information on this parameter.
includehead - A boolean expression which determines whether the header is part of the top margin (false) or below it (true).
includehead - A boolean expression which determines whether the footer is part of the bottom margin (false) or below it (true).
showFrame - A boolean expression (true/false) to show the frame of the document.
header - An object containing settings to control the header.
headerLine - A boolean expression that generates a horizontal line between the header and the beginning of the document.
leftContent - The content that appears on the left-hand side of the header. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.
centreContent - The content that appears in the centre of the header. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.
rightContent - The content that appears of the right-hand side of the header. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.
adjustMargin - An optional string containing whether the header margin needs to be adjusted sideways (in cm).
footer - An object containing settings to control the footer.
footerLine - A boolean expression that generates a horizontal line between the footer and the end of the document.
leftContent - The content that appears on the left-hand side of the footer. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.
centreContent - The content that appears in the centre of the footer. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.
rightContent - The content that appears of the right-hand side of the footer. Can contain LaTeX commands, text or simply 'logo'.
adjustMargin - An optional string containing whether the header margin needs to be adjusted sideways (in cm).
latexPreamble - Contains custom LaTeX commands which will be inserted before '\begin{document}'.
documentContent - A JSON object which contains the content of the template and other data for charts and tables).
content - A required object which contains the data for the right column on the first page.
type - A required string which contains the type of text for the body of the document. Possible options are: 'heading', 'section', 'subsection', 'paragraph', 'newpage', 'enumerate', 'itemize', 'table'.
content - A required string or array of strings which contains the text for the body of the document. Can contain LaTeX commands. Note that in an event of a table, this contains the key-name for the table.
order - A required number which determines the order of the text.
height - An optional parameter controling the height of the chart.
width - An optional parameter controling the width of the chart.