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Please read through it carefully as it should help answer most of the questions you may have.\par \end{justify}} { \begin{justify} Company Name do not act or make decisions on your behalf. We will only act if we have been provided with specific instructions from you as set out in this agreement.\par \end{justify}} { \begin{justify} We will keep a copy of this agreement in your online profile which you will be able to access at any time.\par \end{justify}} { \section{Your details}} { \begin{justify} You provided us with the following personal details. Please take a minute to review this information again for accuracy.\par \end{justify}} \arrayrulecolor[HTML]{333333} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25} \begin{table}[H] \begin{Center} \begin{threeparttable}[b] \bfseries \begin{tabular}{|L{8cm}L{8cm}|N} \hline \color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \large \cellcolor[HTML]{666666}Personal details& \color[HTML]{FFFFFF} \large \cellcolor[HTML]{666666}& \\ \hline Preferred Name& Igz& \\ First Names& Igor& \\ Surname& Rodionov& \\ Age& 33 & \\ Email& info@advicement.io& \\ Mobile number& + 27 82 123 4567& \\ Date of Birth& 1990\mbox{-}12\mbox{-}01& \\ Nationality& South African& \\ Adress Details& 1 Rivonia Road, Sandton, 2193& \\ Country of tax residence& South Africa& \\ Income Tax Number& 12345678 & \\ Prefered way to communicate& Email & \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{threeparttable} \end{Center} \end{table} { \section{Changing your personal information, and who we share your information with}} { \begin{justify} You can make any changes to your personal information by logging on to your profile or by contacting our call centre. \par \end{justify}} { \begin{justify} We respect the confidentiality of your information and have taken all reasonable and necessary precautions to ensure that your personal information is kept confidential. \par \end{justify}} { \begin{justify} By accepting the terms and conditions of this agreement, you consent to the collection, processing and sharing of your personal information in the circumstances provided above. You may also access our Privacy Policy on our \href{https://.advicement.io}{website}. \end{justify}} \newpage { \section{Thank you for choosing us}} { \begin{justify} Thank you for choosing us as your provider. We look forward to many many years of happy returns. \par \end{justify}} \bigskip { \begin{FlushLeft} Best Regards, \par \bigskip Advicement Product Team\end{FlushLeft}} \end{document}